
Call for Designers

The Troost Avenue Community Improvement District (CID) is looking for logo and banner design (branding) that captures the flavor, history, and new energy of the District from 46th St. to 75th St. along Troost Ave. and 63rd St. from Rockhill east to Pener Plaza. There is a $500 prize for the best design.

Southtown, Waldo, Brookside Monthly Events

Monthly Luncheon
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 11:45am
Speaker– Police Chief Darryl Forte
Location: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church,
6401 Wornall Ter. (note change of location)
$12/person– Reservations Required! Call 816-523-5553.
Catered by Tasso’s Greek Restaurant & Catering

SPECIAL DEAL!!! Get 10 luncheons in 2015 for $100 starting January 15th. Save $20 dollars and avoid the headaches of having cash or needing invoices! Checks/cash are accepted at WABA, 6814 Troost Ave. by Feb. 15, 2015.

Bona Terra Salon– Brookside East is Sparkling!

Bona Terra Salon, 414 E 63rd Street, is a newly constructed salon in the Brookside East Property. The project began in July, 2014 when the owners contracted George Cevillo, the premier Avada Salon designer in Hammond LA, to design the Salon interior.   During the design phase, Etopa, the Aveda  furniture and fixture company, was selected to provide the interior equipment and Kansas City’s Kessinger/Hunter was selected as the general contractor.