Southtown, Waldo, Brookside Monthly Events

Monthly Networking Events:

Wednesday, August 14, 8-9am
Needham Floral, 400 E. Gregory Blvd.
Come by and smell the flowers as you network with everyone!

Wednesday, August 28, 8-9am
Waldo Library, 201 E. 75th St.
Join with friends, meet potential clients, and hear about happenings in the neighborhood!

NOTE: Due to summer vacations, there will not be a monthly luncheon. Instead, there will be two networking events.

Upcoming Events:

“Under the Big Top,”
Southtown Awards Luncheon
Friday, August 23, 11am-1pm
Uptown Theater
Watch for the invitation.

Saturday, Sept. 21st
Waldo Fall Festival, 10a-5p,
75th and Wornall Rd.
Strutt with Your Mutt, 7a-10:30a,
63rd/Brookside Plz.