Volunteer Instructors Needed

Shepherd's Center is earnestly looking for TWO volunteer instructors. Will you please keep your eyes and ears open for us? We need your help.

CREATIVE WRITING INSTRUCTOR: 40 Fridays each year (four ten-week sessions) from 10am to 11:50am as part of the Adventures in Learning program. Shepherd’s Center has a group of dedicated older adults who enjoy writing, sharing and critiquing their writings. The group has actually published two books in recent years. This is an excellent opportunity to instruct, interact, work with sophisticated adults. Have your potential instructor contact Doug Shelton, 816-444-1121.

EXERCISE CLASS: "Use It or Lose It" meets on Mondays (40 weeks out of the year) at 10 am at Broadway United Methodist Church. It is a group of 10-15 ladies who exercise to music for one hour. The instructor of 15 years, Sue Brown, is retiring. Again, this is an excellent opportunity for the right person. Contact Doug Shelton, 816-444-1121.